Skipper - our ferocious protector!

Randy immediately picked the snake up. I was just waiting for him to
say we had to keep it for a pet.

One happy boy.

"Rescuing" the turtle.
I'm thinking the turtle might have a different name for what we were doing as it was trying its best to bite us. But, thank goodness, those shells are rather movement limiting!
If it wanders into our back yard and doesn't pose "too large" a threat...it will definitely get man-handled, boy-handled and girl-handled... not so much Mommy-handled, if I can avoid it and still save face! And potentially, as in the case of the rattle snake, eaten.
Skipper discovered the snake and, as evidenced by the pictures, was very distressed to have it in the yard. Cassidy and I ventured close enough to look closely at it and take some pictures. We waited for Daddy to come home before anyone picked it up. And no, I didn't even tell Reed it was out there until after I had shown it to Randy.
According to an archaic reptile guide that we had on the shelf, it is a mud snake. Very pretty.
Cassidy discovered the red-eared slider right on our front door step. It must have become a little confused in its search for a great place to nest. Reed carried it to the edge of the pond and BOOM...turtles can move really quickly when they want to.
We are REALLY enjoying the fabulous weather March in Florida brings and it is finally warm enough for the beach to be calling my name!