Sunday, January 10, 2010

A New Year...A New Smile!


Tamra said...

Yay, Reed!!!! I hear the Tooth Fairy's paying out much bigger dividends than when I was your age.... Love you!

Pa David said...

Hey Reed, Good going!! How many teeth is this that you have lost? Is Cassidy anxious to start shedding teeth or would she just as soon wait awhile?

Love you guys!stated

Allie in AZ said...

Yay Reed-o!!! Congratulations! Hey, the Tooth Fairy brought my kids $5 for their first tooth, make sure you don't get short-changed!!

Love you guys!!


Chera said...

GREAT to see you again!! I've missed your posts!! :o)

Sophie C. said...

Hey this is Sophie from another blog.I just saw your blog and I thought your kids were so cute (especially with those missing teeth Reed).I too am a kid and I plan on visiting your blog again.You can visit mine at