Tuesday, August 5, 2008


The Preschool gang
Cassidy at Crafts Corral
Becky giving a "pardner" a hand slap as he finished the sack jump race.
Reed at Chuck Wagon Snacks
Reed coloring his bandanna at Crafts Corral
Cassidy and friends at Bible Study Campfire.
Here are my children pre-VBS. I always arrive 1.5 hours early to be sure everything is set up and in place for that evening. This means that I feed the kids at the church before VBS starts. I didn't want them to get it all over their clothes...so I shucked them out of their shirts...and took a picture. FYI - They were fully clothed by the time people began arriving.
Randy as John the Baptist
Becky encouraging a little guy!

This is the last of 4 new posts I've posted today...scroll down to catch up on all the fun! This is probably the last post for a while. VBS ends on Wednesday night and the kids and I are heading to Texas to see Baby Marla and the rest of our family on Thursday. We'll be gone for a week.

VBS is in full swing at our church. So, Becky and I have been rather busy these past few days. All is going well and the kids are having a great time. We have a western theme this year and the church is decorated so well. Each evening, I lead the Worship Rally Roundup. That might sound like I'm bragging, but it really involves me yelling things like, "Howdy!" and "Yee Haw!" and huffing and puffing through very active songs...while the other adults point, laugh and snap pictures! But don't think I'm alone in being silly...Becky is the leader of the Recreation Barn. So, she leads all of the games each evening. Last night she was caught crab walking, rolling across the floor and racing kids up the aisles in the auditorium. The kids love going to the Recreation Barn...for obvious reasons.
Our whole VBS is based on the scripture John 3:16 and the idea that Jesus is GOOD NEWS for us and we need to "Saddle Up! and Tell Others!" that Jesus is Good News for them too. It doesn't get much better than standing with 25 excited kids as we holler "Jesus is Good News!" And I am humbled to have that opportunity.

One of the most appealing things about this VBS theme, and the reason I chose it this year for our church, is the simplicity of the theme. We live in a world where there is so much confusion. In many cases, the things that are right and good are labeled as wrong and intolerant. People search for meaning and hear everyday that there is no one right way. But no, there is ONE RIGHT WAY - Jesus Christ! And He is GOOD NEWS! And we need to tell the people we come into contact with about Him.

So, Becky and I will head back tonight ready to huff, puff and be silly just to hear those kids holler, "JESUS IS GOOD NEWS!"


Tamra said...

This warms my heart for multiple reasons. And I am super excited to be a pitstop on the FUN WITH FAMILY TOUR!

Next year, Becky better be here for our VBS/Day Camp/Whatever. In fact, you and the kids should come out for it too! I'm always desperate for some good help...and any excuse to squeeze those cutie-patooties is a good one in my books.

Love y'all!

Rhonda said...

I am pleased to hear the enthusiasm in your voice for VBS. I know it is a big job--and it seems to follow you--which tells me it is one God has choosen for you no matter where you go-because it is a gift he has blessed you with. I know your new church home is being blessed ---it sounded like a fun week. Can't wait to see you in the valley!!!