Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fay Play Day!

Playing outside (in jammies)
Cassidy is apparently pretending to be a robot. I have no idea what Reed is doing. And yes, Cassidy is wearing Power Ranger jammies.
Hard-working Hubby!

Well, Tropical Storm Fay faked us out. She changed tracks last night and went north and east much earlier than predicted. That meant that the kids were out of school and Randy was off work, but we had no bad weather. As I type this, they are outside fishing for bluegills in the pond. This morning Randy pressure washed the house and the kids played in their jammies until after lunch. I worked on the blog and some other things on the computer. But it is back to the grindstone tomorrow!

1 comment:

Becky said...

I have officially caught up on your blogs from your trip to Texas! I loved them all (except for the gloating phone call on the first day back to work/school!) Not only did you go to Disney on my birthday sans me but a happy dance and a second cup of coffee, that really smarts! Oh well, we can't all be you eating bon bons all the time! Yeah right I know how much you do. Anyway the pictures look great and I am happy that Fay "faked" you out. Good word by the way! I love you and can't wait to visit again.