Monday, August 25, 2008

This is totally normal!...Right?

The tape wrangler
Various toys attached to rockets...or markers pretending to be rockets. Hey, artists have to work with what they've got!
My personal favorite.
I don't have a picture of the squid rocket, but we've been enjoying him during bath time. One small bit of info...tape and water is a recipe for losing your rocket or your squid.

Notice the progression to duct tape.

This mother quickly squelched their creative spirits with a few stern words about the expense of duct tape, the stickiness of duct tape and how duct tape is forever more OFF LIMITS!

Enjoying inventions.

The creative juices are really flowing around here! Reed and Cassidy (since she does everything he does) have been "inventing" many useful things. I use the word "useful" rather loosely. I think Reed's inventions would be incredibly useful if you, by chance, needed things to blow up, shoot into space or, in any fashion, be attached to a rocket. If you need assistance in any of those areas, give me a call...I can hook you up...I mean tape you up!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have you seen Toy Story lately? Do we have a new Sid on our hands? :):):)