They were each a letter of the alphabet for their "act."
I know it seems like we must be living very boring lives with nothing noteworthy to post about. But, alas, that is not the case. In fact, we have been EXTREMELY busy this past week and I, being the wonderful and thoughtful mother, forgot the camera 99% of the time!
I did get these few pictures of Reed's class in their circus performance under the Big Top. They had a blast (who wouldn't?) and I thought they were super cute.
I did not, however, get any pictures of Cassidy's field trip to the Citrus Farm. You'll just have to take my word that she had a blast running through the Butterfly Garden Maze, bouncing in the Bounce house and holding the baby alligator.
I also failed to take any pictures of Reed's first outing with his Boy Scout Pack. We met at Rye Preserve at 9AM on Saturday morning to pick up air potatoes and rosary berries. Apparently, these are 2 very invasive exotic species of plants that take over from the native species if left unchecked. We all had a great time. Well, Cassidy did not enjoy getting covered by some kind of seed pod that looked suspiciously like a bug. Yes, there were some tears and a very unsympathetic mother (who was also sporting a jacket with 1000 seed pods all over it.)
We drove from the preserve, to the ball field for Reed's first T-ball practice of the season. Nope, no pictures. We ate lunch at the ball park. Reed and Randy practiced with the team for 1.5 hours (can you say...too long!).
We came home, changed clothes quickly and ran errands from 2:30 - 6:30 (think: boy scout uniform store in Sarasota, cleats at Sports Authority, ice cream at DQ...yes, Randy is very smart and knows just how far he can get for a dipped cone!).
Then at 7PM we went to the Hubbard's house for their party to celebrate the opening of the NASCAR season. No, we do NOT follow Nascar (sorry, Alli), but we love to be with our friends and enjoy free and yummy party food.
And finally, we arrived back at our house a mere 12 hours after we had left it at 9PM. Bathed 2 grimy kids, bathed 2 grimy adults and went to bed.
Today, Sunday, we left for church at 8:30,had a potluck, cleaned up the potluck, spent 45 minutes scouring the playground for neckerchief slider that goes with Reed's scouting uniform that we bought yesterday and he wore to church today, didn't find the shiny little thing, changed clothes at the church building, went and played softball with the church, drove from softball to Sweetberries to have frozen custard (are you detecting a pattern) and finally came home a mere 10 hours after we left!
So, while we have been quite busy and, dare I say it, exciting...I have virtually no pictures to prove it!
And really, I need to go to bed.
I can't believe tomorrow is Monday. I told Reed's teacher I would volunteer tomorrow morning while Cass is in school. I also volunteered to host the Teen Devo tomorrow night. Reed and Randy have T-Ball practice tomorrow evening and should arrive home about the time the youth group gets here. So...I have to sweep, mop, clean the bathroom and cook for 20 tomorrow afternoon.
I need to go to bed.
Holy Smokes!
I am exhausted just reading about all of your adventures, but it sounds like you had so much fun! I think the NASCAR party sounded the best :) and am also confident that if you would just quit resisting and let the NASCAR fever wash over you, that your lives would then be totally fulfilled. HA! :) But really, there IS soooo much to racing! It's very exciting and unpredictable-as you no doubt observed Saturday night!
In all seriousness, it sounds like you guys were going at full throttle the whole weekend. Hope things slow down for you after the devo.
Love ya Bunches and Miss ya Tons,
Reed's face in that last photo is so priceless! I loved it!
Reed looked so cute!!! He should grow up to be a clown... well maybe just on the weekends. Your weekend sounded CRAZY! You know it has been busy when you look forward to the work week. I agree with Allie about you embracing NASCAR someone in our family needs to and it will either be you or Aaron... my vote is ya'll! Love you guys tons!
Aunt Becky
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