Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wintertime Fun

Don't they look like a little old couple out for a drive?
Cassidy enjoyed all the kiddie rides at Busch Gardens.

Reed running the bases at his Little League opening ceremonies.

Reed batting at his first game. Randy is one of the coaches on the team.

Ready in the outfield...or should I say they look ready.
One precious little kid fielded a ball and was so excited that she just chunked it into the outfield even though there was NO ONE out there! Then about 4 other teammates raced out there and tackled each other to see who could throw it back in. Priceless!

No snow pictures here! We've been enjoying the GREAT weather that comes with winter in Florida.

Someone can remind me of it when I'm melting into a puddle in August, or even October!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Looks like ya'll are busy and having lots of fun!!!! Don't be jealous but I was at home for the weekend soaking up time with mom and dad! I can't wait to see ya'll this summer!! Love you guys,