Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First Day of School

Ready for another year of preschool
Big 1st Grader! Looking good on the first day of school.

The kids started back to school yesterday, Monday, August 18. Reed's school "loops" their teachers, so he has the same teacher for Kinder and 1st Grade. He was in the same classroom with the same students...a few new ones. Due to this, there was no anxiety and his first day went very well.

Cassidy, the resident social butterfly with very high self-esteem, ran right into her new classroom and did not even give her Mom a kiss. I followed her in, introduced us to the teacher and got my kiss. She also had a great first day. She is in a MWF class from 9AM-Noon.

I did the "happy dance of joy" on my way to my car, called my sister (the school teacher) and gloated and came home to a blissfully quiet house all to myself!

1 comment:

Smiles from the Road said...

Reed looks so grown up - 1st grade! Cassidy's is ready to see her preschool friends! Have a great school year. So glad we got a good visit in the last of summer! Enjoy a second cup coffee!
Love you,
Gram Ava