Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Who Had More Fun?

The grease monkeys! Check out Randy's hands!
Reed watching the sharks.
Cassidy NOT watching the sharks, but blantantly disregarding
the rules about hanging on the rails.

A stare off: Cow nosed Ray vs. Reed and Cassidy
In front of the manatees

We were all so glad to have Randy back from his 4 day trip to DC, but there was no rest for the weary...regardless of what you may have been weary of (work-Randy, kids-me)! The Camry (bless its heart) was in dire need of brake work and some other maintenance, so Randy and Paul (a BIG bless his heart) scheduled Saturday to take it all apart and fix it. And they did...12 hours later!

I really couldn't face another day at home with the kids, so Lori (bless her heart) and I took the kids to Michaels, Burlington Coat Factory,Mote Aquarium,Sweetberries (frozen custard place), the Ellenton Outlet Malls (Cassidy only) and Wal Mart. It was a full day.

On Sunday afternoon...WE RESTED!


Chera said...

I'm cracking up about the picture of Cassidy on the rails...she looks like a funny little girl! And quite mischievous, too! ;o)

Tamra said...

Hmmm...I vote that Randy had the most fun. I mean seriously -- working on the car for 12 hours? Delightful! :)

So...I need you to email me that pumpkin cinnamon roll recipe. I've been having dreams about them and my mouth can't stop watering. Note to self: Do NOT place Pyrex on heated burner.

Miss y'all muchos!