Okay, so maybe this should have been done 3 months or more ago...no maybe about it. Our dining room chairs, inherited from Randy's Grandma Ruth, were in DIRE need of new seat covers...try the seat covers were approximately 40 years old. Now, don't get me wrong, the age wasn't the problem...it was the fact that one was ripped up. And, maybe...just maybe, had been ripped up for months and months.
So, anyhoo...we finally "bit the bullet" and decided to CARPE DIEM! Therefore, after only, 2 trips to the fabric store, 1 trip to Lowe's, 1 trip to ACE hardware, and 1 minor flesh wound (mine) the chairs are DONE. And, if I may say so, they look mighty fine.
May they last another 40 years!
P.S. You HAVE to click on the family picture to enlarge the image! You don't want to miss the full effect of Reed's disgust with this photo session. Can you tell he is ROLLING HIS EYES?! The twit! Oh, by the by, this was one attempt to get a decent family picture for Christmas cards. So I'm giving you fair warning: Don't set your expectations too high!
Before digital cameras (or perhaps, more accurately, before we finally bit the bullet and BOUGHT a digital camera) the Engles were known to go through 2 or 3 rolls of 36 exposure film trying desperately to get an acceptable Christmas pic. Ahh...the little ones seem like they hardly have to try to goof up a shot! :) For what it's worth, I( think it's cute, and so REED! :)
And tell Randle that the chairs look terrific. Does he want to fly out here and tackle mine?? :)
Love ya. Have a great Thanksgiving!
Ha ha ha, that picture is hilarious. One day, you can blow it up just to embarrass him!!!!
Loving it!!! I am thinking it is PERFECT!! Although I was expecting the aligator picture.
I'm rather behind on reading your posts... so I am just now seeing Reed's reaction to the photo shoot. I laughed until I cried!!!! The expression is priceless!!! Can't wait to see you guys... down to counting days! Love and miss you all... GranDebbie
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