Cassidy posing with the finished eggs.
Alas! Spring Break has ended. There were tears and grumbling early this morning at our house...and that was just me! We had a very relaxing week with minimal activities and I just loved it! I was definitely NOT ready to jump back into our regular routine. We did manage to get ourselves around and everyone was in their appropriate places on time.
There is not much of note going on at our house this week. The usual chores and such. I am forever amazed at the amount of laundry our little family generates. I hold no delusions...we are not a large family and there are many, many others who have more laundry than I, but that does not negate the fact that I ALWAYS have laundry to do. Randy's wonderful Grandma Jane would take this opportunity to remind me to count my blessings that I have a husband and children to do laundry for. And I do. Jake Vincent once used the phrase "scrunched down with blessings" to describe those things which truly are gifts from God, but occasionally feel burdensome...laundry, dishes and floors definitely qualify! So, yes, I will praise God for all of his abundant gifts to me - my family, our home, Randy's job which puts a roof over our heads, food on our table and clothes on our backs! And I will continue to work on Paul's admonition in Philippians 2:14 to "Do all things without grumbling or complaining."
I'm including Easter pictures from the few weeks ago. I hold no guys check out the blog to see the pictures - not my ramblings! Love to all!
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