Fighting a big one!
Showing off the catch...carefully!
I don't really need to explain what is going on in this picture, do I?
Cassidy and some sea stars!
Randy, Reed, Cassidy and I spent a very enjoyable afternoon in the canoe paddling and fishing around Terra Ceia Bay. The kids were the only ones to catch fish. Cassidy and the Scooby Doo pole conquered many a pinfish and Reed fought and caught 2 rather large hard head catfish with his weenie 4-lb test. I scored a big zero on the fish front, as did the husband, but we did do all the paddling. To my credit, I only asked once how much a 4 horse power engine would cost! Also to my credit, Reed, Cassidy and I came away from the afternoon SUNBURN FREE. One person is not on that list because he was responsible for sunscreening his own knees...'nough said.