Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cutie Cassidy!

Cassidy's school hosted a Mother's Brunch in honor of Mothers' Day this past Thursday. Yes, I am fully aware that I am 2 days behind, but, as we say in the Blankinship House, "you get what you get and you don't pitch a fit!" Seriously, I kept intending to sit down and post these, but the past few days have been very hectic. Sorry for the delay!

The program was very sweet and Cassidy did a great job. They had some questionnaires for us to fill out to see how well we knew our child. I got quite a few right...including Cassidy's favorite color and future occupation. Many of you could probably guess her answers to these as well. Favorite color (see pictures above): PINK (shocking, I know) and future occupation: PRINCESS! Cassidy, the foremost princess expert in our house, informed me that one becomes a princess by....(drum roll, please) marrying a prince! We'll see about that one.

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